Wednesday 20 October 2010

Land Of The Dead Analysis

Land Of The Dead Youtube Video
This film is cleverly structured so that it is clear to the audience what is going on a the opening displays many different horror/ zombie conventions. Opening shots are very effective at setting up the story and therefore give the audience a clear idea of the zombie outbreak. The film tells the story at the very start when a voice over explains what has happened and brings the audience up to date with the situation. The black and white footage when the voice over is ocuring suggests to the audience that the events being described and have already occured. This is and effective technique as it makes the audience aware of what is going on when the film returns to present day. The distorted footage of the past is a typical convention of horror films as it makes the audience uncertain. The Dark footage at the start of the film also suggest a horror film. The title ‘Today’ clearly shows a change in time and tells the audience that the film has jumpes to present day. An establishing shot sets up the rest of the scene which then tracks down to show the zombies. This film is not typical of horror films as usually the outbreak occurs during the film whereas in land of the dead the outbreak occurs before the film starts. 

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